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Discover the powerful benefits of embracing your authentic self —more confidence, deeper connections, and inner peace.

Why Embracing Your Authentic Self is Key to a FulfIlling Life

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Discover the powerful benefits of embracing your authentic self —more confidence, deeper connections, and inner peace.

Why Embracing Your Authentic Self is Key to a FulfIlling Life

Authentic Self

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Feeling disconnected from yourself? Your subconscious conditioning might be to blame. Discover how to reconnect with your authentic self.

The Hidden Programming Keeping You Disconnected from Your Authentic Self

Authentic Self

Image of woman looking at her reflection in the mirror

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Feeling drained by pretending? Learn how hiding your true self leads to emotional exhaustion and disconnection.

Image of a woman sitting by a tree

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Feeling stuck in life? Let’s dive into the common reasons we feel unhappy, and how embracing your authentic self can help you break free.

Feeling Stuck in Life? Here’s Why It Happens (and What To Do)

Authentic Self

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In a world that tells us to be someone else, how do we find our authentic self? This article explores what authenticity is, and provides tips and tools for becoming your true self.

The Journey to Authenticity: Becoming Your True Self

Authentic Self

Woman smiling as her true self

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To find your authentic self, you need to identify who you are at your core versus who were told to be growing up.

Women as authentic self running through a field

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Here are a list of books that have helped me along my journey. This is so much more than a list of books on finding yourself. This list is filled with different perspectives to help you learn how to be your authentic self when every part of you wants to hide behind your masks.

7 Books on How To Be Your Authentic Self

Authentic Self

Stack of books and The Gift of Imperfection

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I was having fun and enjoying myself, so I spent a lot of time trying to figure out what my relationship with fun was. Why didn’t I feel like I could have fun? Am I just a boring person now? W H Y is this causing me to feel so anxious!? Weeks of self reflection led me to realize that I was living out of alignment with my values, and starting to stray away from my authentic self. This was causing anxiety because I was spending my time and energy in ways that didn’t light me up, and wasn’t being the version of me that I wanted to be.

How I Discovered My Authentic Code and Use It To Align with My Authentic Self

Authentic Self

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Knowing that you’re out of alignment requires self-awareness. But if you’re still working on that, here are some signs to help you determine if you’re out of alignment with your authentic self.

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