What Is Hypnotherapy? Hypnotherapy is one of the oldest forms of therapy known to man. People have been using it for thousands of years, even back to ancient Greece. Today, hypnotherapy is still widely used to treat a variety of conditions like anxiety, depression, phobias, smoking cessation and weight loss.
In this post, I'll provide everything you need to know about hypnotherapy, including benefits and misconceptions, how it can be an amazing tool to help you you change your thoughts, feelings or behaviors in order to achieve personal goals. You'll discover some interesting facts about hypnotherapy such as "How does hypnotherapy work?", "Why do people use hypnotherapy?", "Is hypnosis real?", and "Will you make me cluck like a chicken?"
What Is Hypnotherapy?
I'm willing to bet everyone has at least heard of hypnosis. But how many people actually know what it is and understand how it works? This can be a bit of a mystery for people looking for help. So let's take a look at what hypnotherapy is and how it might help you.
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you just wish you could hit rewind? Maybe you hydroplaned while driving, and now you get anxiety every time you drive. Or maybe you were in an important meeting and your mind went blank when it was your turn to present, and now you're petrified to talk in groups. Whatever the situation, we've all had those moments where we wish we could just press a reset button and start over.
For some people, hypnotherapy can be that reset button.
Hypnotherapy is a type of therapy that uses relaxation and suggestion to help people change their associations, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It's often used to treat anxiety, phobias, and addictions, but it can also be used to help improve sleep, create or remove habits, reduce stress, and increase confidence.
Hypnotherapy is a form of alternative healing based on the use of hypnosis. Hypnosis is a trancelike mental state induced by verbal suggestions that's been around for 5,000 years, starting from the time of Egypt's Old Kingdom.
The word "hypnosis" was coined in the early 1880s and derives from the Greek words for sleep and suggestion. Back then, it was explained as the result of a combination of "visual fixation" and "mental fatigue." Since the early 1800s, hypnosis has been used to help patients overcome fear of surgery, reduce stress, relieve pain and improve overall well-being.
In modern years, hypnosis has picked up a lot of traction because of it's ability to alter the subconscious mind to align with conscious goals, and hypnotherapy is the process of using a certified hypnotist or certified hypnotherapist to do so.
Hypnotherapy uses a set of techniques used to induce altered states of consciousness, usually involving hypnotic suggestions, imagery, and relaxation, to access the subconscious mind. Once the trance-like state is achieved, the hypnotherapist can use other techniques to alter the subconscious mind to align with the goal's of the client.
There are three main ways that hypnotherapists use hypnosis to treat illness:
- Inducing relaxation
- Changing maladaptive thoughts
- Providing suggestions for behavior change
Hypnotherapy can help patients with a wide variety of problems, including stress management, phobias, pain control, smoking cessation, weight loss, insomnia, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, chronic pain, low self-esteem, relationship issues, addictions, and sexual dysfunction.
Read: 149 Powerful Things Hypnosis Can Help With to Improve Your Life
How does hypnosis work?
Okay great...but what exactly is hypnosis?
Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness when your brain waves reach a theta or alpha state which allows people to become more open to suggestions. It's a state of narrow focus with no resistance, which means that since there’s no resistance, we can bypasses the critical mind and can change negatives to positives, or rewire what we need to to get your subconscious mind in alignment with what you want.
Many people notice in sessions that hypnosis feels familiar. And that's because it IS familiar- It is a natural state. We all go in and out of hypnosis throughout our day, and it can be triggered by environments, social interactions, anxiety, bliss, movies, falling in love, etc.
When you're driving down the highway and you miss your exit because you were daydreaming? That's a state of hypnosis.
When you're watching a movie and you're so engulfed in the movie and hours go by without you realizing it? That's a state of hypnosis.
How does hypnosis create change?
We all have our subconscious mind that was formed from when we were ages 0-8. Our subconscious mind houses all of our experiences, and how we identified with those experiences and what feelings, thoughts, and beliefs we associated with those experiences.
When we turn 9 years old, we develop what's called the critical mind. This acts as a protection barrier to the subconscious mind.
As we head into adolescence and our teenage years, we develop our conscious mind which holds our logic, reasoning, decision making, analyzing, and will power. Now, any new information needs to enter through the conscious mind, and get filtered through the critical mind. If our critical mind determines that something does not match the associations in our subconscious mind, it will bounce back that idea, decision, thought, action, or behavior and we will experience it as resistance or self sabotage.
This is why it's so difficult to make changes in our lives - because our conscious and subconscious minds are misaligned.
Hypnosis quiets the critical mind so that, as a hypnotherapist, I have direct access to your subconscious mind giving me the ability to make suggestions that are aimed at changing your behavior, thoughts, beliefs, or feelings to align with your goals.
By doing this, your conscious and subconscious minds can work cohesively together to motivate you towards the changes you need to achieve your goals.
Without hypnosis, your subconscious mind is running the show, and it doesn't matter how much you consciously want to change, you will always be met with resistance.
Cool! But can anyone be hypnotized?
Yes! Hypnosis is a natural state that every single one of us experiences every day, meaning every single one of us can be hypnotized!
For a while, it was thought that only a certain type of person can be hypnotized. However, the latest research in Kappasinian Hypnosis shows that there are certain types of people that require different techniques in order to enter trance. Because this is fairly recent findings, most hypnotherapy training programs don't cover this and are still under the impression that certain people can't be hypnotize.
I feel honored to have gone to the only nationally accredited college for Kappasinian Hypnosis that teaches various techniques so that any client I work with goes into trance quickly, calmly, easily, and deeply!
Is hypnosis used as the sole treatment in hypnotherapy?
No, the goal of hypnotherapy is to rewire your subconscious mind, and while that is done through hypnosis, hypnosis is not used as the sole treatment. Hypnotherapy is an integrative approach that uses various techniques from different therapeutic modalities to help the client achieve their desired goal.
I personally use numerous techniques in my clients' cognitive talk portion of our session, and well as multiple different techniques within the trance state to help my clients change their thoughts an behavior.

There are many techniques used in hypnotherapy - both in the cognitive talk portion and within the hypnosis session. These include guided imagery, progressive muscle relaxation techniques, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Mental and Emotional Release, Past Life Regression therapy, dream therapy, self-hypnosis, and biofeedback. These techniques are designed to alter the way a person thinks, feels, perceives, behaves, and responds to stimuli.
Guided Imagery
The most common technique in hypnosis is guided imagery, where the client imagines himself/herself in different situations. In most cases, I will help the client imagine positive changes he/she would like to see happen. In other cases, I may ask the client to imagine himself/herself in a relaxing or calming situation. This technique is often used to help people manage stress, anxiety, pain, and sleep problems.
I am certified in Therapeutic Imagery which utilizes guided imagery in a deeper way. Therapeutic Imagery is based on the premise that the subconscious mind communicates in metaphor. This makes imagery to be one of the most profound ways to create change within the subconscious. Through the Therapeutic Imagery process, you're taken on different imagery journeys that will provide direct communication with the subconscious mind.
In these journeys, you will come to realize subconscious blocks that are holding you back from achieving your goals. Or, depending on the journey, you can ask for guidance from your subconscious mind. Some journeys allow you to connect with ancient wisdom from the universe, and others allow you to pull resources from deep within you.
There is no limitation to Therapeutic Imagery, and the results are profound.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Neuro-linguistic programming is a technique used in the cognitive portion of the session that uses language and psychology to help the client change his/her thought patterns. Through NLP, I can help you identify negative thought patterns, quickly get to the source of the problem, help you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, and help create new associations with the things that will help you reach your goals.
Mental and Emotional Release
Mental and emotional release is a powerful technique that can help you release emotions that are trapped in the body. I will help you identify the emotion(s) that are trapped, and then help you release it through a variety of techniques. This technique is often used to help people who are dealing with grief, anger, anxiety, and stress.
Past Life Regression Therapy
Past life regression therapy is a technique that can help clients heal from past traumas that have followed them into their current life. I will help you regress back to a past life, and then help you work through the emotions associated with that trauma. This technique is often used to help people who are dealing with anxiety, depression, PTSD, and phobias.
Dream Therapy
Dream therapy is a technique that can help you understand the messages your dreams are trying to send. I will help you interpret the symbols and messages in your dreams, and then help you apply those messages to your current life. This technique is often used to help people who are dealing with anxiety, depression, and stress.
Self-hypnosis is a technique that can help you relax and enter a state of deep concentration outside of hypnotherapy sessions. I will prime your subconscious mind to the state of hypnosis and give you an anchor to access this state whenever you want, teach you how to hypnotize yourself, and then help you use self-hypnosis to achieve your goals.

What Hypnotherapy Can Help With
Hypnotherapy can help patients with a wide variety of problems, including (but definitely not limited to):
- Stress management
- Fears and phobias
- Pain control and chronic pain
- Smoking cessation
- Weight loss
- Insomnia
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Post-traumatic stress disorder
- Panic attacks
- Low self-esteem
- Relationship issues
- Addictions
- Sexual dysfunction
- Cancer treatment
- Irritable bowel syndrome
Check out my full list of 149 Powerful Things Hypnotherapy Can Help You With.
Benefits of Hypnotherapy
Some of the benefits associated with hypnotherapy include:
- Increased relaxation
- Decreased stress and anxiety
- Enhanced self-confidence
- Better problem solving skills
- Improved focus, memory, and concentration
- Increased creativity
- Improved performance in sports, school, or business.
- Improved intuition
- Improved sleep quality
- Increased energy levels
- Improved quality of life

Hypnosis has been used for thousands of years, and is still one of the most effective ways to treat anxiety, depression, phobias, addictions, pain management, and insomnia.
The state of hypnosis is a natural state that we go in and out of all day. It's the state that we're in 30 minutes before bed, and 30 minutes after you wake up. For this reason, hypnosis itself is completely safe.
However, hypnosis should not be the only treatment for certain mental health illnesses, like clinical depression, generalized anxiety disorder, or PTSD. Working with certain mental health conditions should be done as a team with a hypnotherapist and a psychotherapist.
Similarly, certain medical issues will need to be done alongside a medical practitioner as hypnotherapy does not replace medical treatment.
Hypnosis should be performed only by trained professionals who understand the practice of hypnosis and understand how to use it safely. Hypnosis puts you in a hyper-suggestible state and allows direct access into your subconscious mind. For this reason, you want to make sure your sessions are being conducted by someone you trust to have your best interest at hand, and has the skills to count you out of hypnosis and close the door to your subconscious mind. Otherwise, you could be walking around in a trance-like state with things accessing your subconscious mind that you may not want.
Is hypnotherapy inappropriate for some people or in certain situations?
Hypnotherapy is not recommended for people with personality disorders, dissociative disorders, or with certain conditions that may be contraindicated by hypnosis or have adverse reactions, such as schizophrenia.
Effectiveness & Impact of Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy is a type of psychological intervention where you gets to enter into a relaxed state of mind. During this state, suggestions are given to alter behavior and thought patterns. Imagine it – changes in perception, cognition, mood, motor skills, attention, memory, and motivation!
While there's so many ways to define hypnosis, the American Psychological Association (APA) defines hypnosis as "a process of focused attention whereby one responds to internal stimuli while ignoring external stimuli." Basically, it's selective attention where you're able to concentrate on your own thoughts while tuning out external distractions. It's like a super relaxed daydream with intention.
The short answer about the effectiveness of hypnotherapy is... it depends.
The effectiveness and impact of hypnosis can vary based on the person receiving the treatment, the person's past, if they've experienced trauma, the person's willingness to change, and how the intervention is administered. Other factors influencing the outcome of a session include whether the hypnotherapist provides feedback following each suggestion, the number of suggestions given per session, and the overall duration of the session.
Though it is hard to give a direct answer to the effectiveness of hypnosis because of these factors, here are some studies to help paint the picture of the impact hypnosis can have:
- In 2007, researchers from North Shore Medical Center in Salem, Massachusetts compared 67 people who wanted to quit smoking and found that those who participated in one hypnotherapy session were more likely to stay smoke-free after 6 months. When compared with other smoking cessation methods such as nicotine replacement therapy and quitting "cold turkey", hypnotherapy was found to be more successful.
- Researchers from University of British Columbia in 1986 studied 60 overweight women and divided them into groups who received hypnosis and ones who didn't receive hypnosis. The study showed that overweight women who received hypnosis lost an average of 17 pounds, while the women who did not receive hypnosis lost an average of 0.5 pounds.
- In 2013, researchers from the Department of Psychology at Lund University in Sweden studied the effect of participants’ use of hypnosis for two weeks (via audio recording). They found the hypnotic intervention had a medium-to-large beneficial effect on the participants’ experience of stress, burnout and wellbeing.
- In a study conducted by researchers at Harvard Medical School in 1999, it was found that participants with fractured bones who used hypnosis healed faster (by 2½ weeks), required less pain medication, showed more improvement in ankle mobility, and had an easier time descending stairs than those that did not use hypnosis

Things to Consider with Hypnotherapy
Before you decide to try hypnotherapy, there are a few things you should keep in mind.
First, and most important, have you seeked medical or psychotherapy first for your issues? If you are dealing with medical or mental health issues, hypnotherapy should not be your first line of defense, but rather a complementary tool to other treatment. As a complementary tool, I will join your support team alongside your medical practitioners, therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist, etc to help guide you to the resources you need to achieve your goals.
Second, you must be willing to work with the hypnotherapist, be vulnerable, and trust them. Be honest with your therapist about your goals, expectations, issues, and experiences. The more open and honest you are, the more likely it is that you'll achieve success with hypnotherapy.
Third, be prepared to do some work outside of your hypnotherapy sessions. I will provide you with tools and resources to help you achieve your goals, but it's important that you're willing to put in the work to change your habits and thought patterns. Change takes time, effort, and practice.
And lastly, are you actually ready to make a change? If you're not ready or committed to making a change, hypnotherapy will likely not be effective. Change is hard work, and takes time. But if you're willing to put in the effort, hypnotherapy can be an incredibly effective tool in helping you achieve your goals.
Common Misconceptions
Hypnotherapy is often confused with mind reading, mentalism, and even witchcraft. There are many misconceptions about hypnosis, including some common myths that people believe about hypnosis. Some of these myths include:
1. Hypnotherapy is just entertainment.
Unfortunately the only association people have with hypnosis is stage hypnosis where the hypnotist's main priority is to entertain. While this use of hypnosis has it's time, place, and purpose, it's NOT the only use of hypnosis. And to say that it is, is a huge missed opportunity for all of the benefits of hypnosis!
2. Hypnotherapy is an alternative treatment, not a real intervention.
This could not be further from the truth. Hypnotherapy is one of the oldest and most evidence-based interventions available. In fact, there is more research on hypnosis than any other psychological treatment!
3. Hypnosis is just for people with anxiety or who want to quit smoking.
Hypnosis is often thought of as a tool to help people with anxiety or those trying to quit smoking. However, the reality is that hypnosis can be used for a wide range of purposes. In fact, anyone can benefit from hypnosis, regardless of their goals or whether they have any particular issues. The power of suggestion is incredibly strong, and hypnosis taps into that power to help people make positive changes in their lives. Whether you want to improve your self-confidence, overcome a fear, or make a difficult decision, hypnosis can help you reach your goal. So don't write off hypnosis as something only for people with anxiety or who want to quit smoking - it's for everyone!
4. You can be stuck in hypnosis forever.
A skilled hypnotherapist will know how to count you out of hypnosis and bring you back to full consciousness. But even if you weren't working with a skilled hypnotherapist, you would still be able to get yourself out because hypnosis is nothing but a state of deep relaxation with single focus and no resistance - just like how you feel while watching a movie. So suggesting you can get stuck in hypnosis is like suggesting you can get stuck watching a movie, it's just simply not possible!
5. Hypnosis is sleep.
Many people believe that hypnosis is sleep. This is a misconception. Sleep and hypnosis are two different states of consciousness. When you are asleep, you are not aware of what is going on around you. You are not able to respond to suggestions. In contrast, during hypnosis you are relaxed and focused. You are aware of what is going on around you and can respond to suggestions. Hypnosis is a state of consciousness that you can enter voluntarily. It is a natural state that we all experience every day. For example, when you are driving your car and arrive at your destination without remembering the journey, you were in a state of hypnosis. We enter these states naturally and spontaneously. We also enter them when we daydream, meditate or pray.
6. You lose all control when you are under hypnosis.
This is not true. You are always in control while under hypnosis and can choose to accept or reject any suggestions given to you by the hypnotherapist. You will still be aware of everything that's going on. The difference is that you'll be in a state of deep relaxation, and your subconscious mind will be more open to suggestion. This means that you can focus more easily on the positive suggestions made by the hypnotherapist, and less on any negative thoughts or worries.
7. You won't remember what happened.
This is not necessarily true. It is possible to have hypnosis without losing consciousness or memory of what happened. However, it is also possible to lose consciousness and/or memory of what happened during hypnosis. The only reason amnesia may form though is depending on how deep in trance you are. If you are deep in trance, you're brain waves are operating very slowly in a deep theta state. Anyone in a deep theta state will experience
8. You will be brainwashed.
The idea that you can be brainwashed during hypnosis is a popular misconception. It's true that hypnosis can be used to influence someone's behavior, but it's not possible to completely control someone's mind. In fact, most people who undergo hypnosis are able to remember everything that happened during the session. The only exception is when a person enters into a deep theta state and experiences some amnesia. Even in this case, the person is completely awake, alert, and in control. In fact, the subconscious mind will reject anything that it finds harmful or unsafe so you don't have to worry about being brainwashed during hypnosis!
9. All of your secrets will be revealed.
There's a common misconception that all of your secrets will be revealed during hypnosis. But the truth is, hypnosis is more like a state of heightened relaxation than it is a loss of control. You're still in control of your thoughts and actions while you're in a hypnotic state, which means you can choose what to share and what to keep to yourself. So if you're worried about revealing something you'd rather keep hidden, there's no need to worry. Your secrets are safe with you.
10. Hypnotherapy is the ‘miracle cure' you've been waiting for.
There's a popular misconception that hypnotherapy is the 'miracle cure' you've been waiting for. This couldn't be further from the truth! Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool that can help you to overcome challenges and achieve your goals, but it's not a magic wand. Instead, hypnotherapy is best thought of as a way to help you make gradual, sustainable changes in your life. It can help you overcome bad habits, develop new skills, and make lasting changes in your behavior. But it's important to remember that it's not a quick fix; it's a process that takes time and commitment. So if you're looking for a miracle cure, you might be disappointed. But if you're willing to put in the work, hypnotherapy can help you make real, lasting changes in your life.

What you can expect during a hypnotherapy session
Each hypnotherapist will run their sessions a little differently. My hypnotherapy sessions will generally flow like this:
1. Get to know you and your problem.
I will want to know what is going on for you and why you have come to see me. This will help me to understand what issues you're experiencing and to decide if hypnotherapy is the right intervention for you.
We'll talk about your family, your childhood, your current situation. Why? Because all of that stuff is important! It helps me understand who you are and how you got to be the person you are today. It also helps me understand what might be causing some of the problems you're experiencing in your life.
The better I understand you, the more effectively I can help you achieve your goals.
2. Explain how hypnosis works.
I will explain what hypnosis is and how it can help you. This will help to dispel any myths or misconceptions you may have about hypnosis and help you to understand what to expect during our sessions.
I will also explain how the subconscious mind works, and get you to understand WHY you're having the issues that you are.
3. Induce hypnosis (put you into a trance).
Next, I will guide you into hypnosis using various techniques. You will likely feel very relaxed. You may feel your body getting heavy, you may feel light and airy, you may get tingly sensations, everyone experiences it differently. But the one thing that everyone says is that they were deeply relaxed!
This is the part that allows us to bypass the critical mind to access the subconscious mind which will allow you to become more open to suggestion.
(Wondering what it feels like to be hypnotized? Read this!)
4. Give you suggestions to help you with your problem.
Once we've bypassed the critical mind, I will give you suggestions to help you with your problem.
These suggestions will be anything that you may need to rewire your subconscious to align with what you need to achieve your goals. I may tell you a story, I may take you on a therapeutic imagery journey, we may explore past events, we may release stagnant energy. It really depends on what will work best for YOU to achieve what you want.
No two sessions together will be the same, and no two clients will ever have the same session. Each session is directly tailored to YOU, your needs, and your goals.
5. Return to normal consciousness.
After I have given you the suggestions, I will then bring you back to a conscious state. You will feel refreshed and relaxed, and may even feel like you've had a nap!
6. Discuss your experience.
At the end of each session, we'll spend some time discussing your experience. This is important because it allows me to know how you're progressing and to make sure that the suggestions I'm giving you are effective. At this time, we will also discuss any homeplay (it's more fun than homework) for you to work on throughout the week. The work you do outside of our sessions is just as important, if not more important, than the hypnosis itself. The hypnotic suggestions will prime you for the changes, but what you do in the conscious work is where the change actually happens.
7. Schedule your next session (if needed).
If we decide that you would benefit from further sessions, we will schedule a time for your next appointment. Generally, clients come in once a week for 4-6 weeks, but this may be more or less depending on your individual needs.

How to Get Started with Hypnotherapy
If you're interested in trying hypnotherapy, there are a few things you can do to get started.
1. Look for a qualified hypnotherapist. The first step is to look for a qualified hypnotherapist who has undergone proper training and certification. I have 750+ hours of education and training from the only nationally accredited college of hypnotherapy, a certification in hypnotherapy, and numerous certifications such as Therapeutic Imagery, NLP and Hypnosis, and Mental and Emotional Release Therapy.
2. Schedule a consultation. Once you've found a qualified hypnotherapist, the next step is to schedule a consultation. This is usually a free or low-cost meeting where you can learn more about hypnosis and how it can help you. You can schedule a free 20 minute consultation with me here (link).
3. Attend your first session. Once you've decided that hypnotherapy is right for you, you can attend your first session. During this session, we will assess your needs and goals and formulate a treatment plan tailored specifically for you.
4. Follow up with additional sessions. Depending on your individual needs, you may need to schedule additional sessions. These sessions will build on the work you've already done continuing to create new neural pathways in your mind. Together we will work as a team so you can continue making progress towards your goals.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do people describe the hypnotic experience?
Some people describe the hypnotic experience as being similar to daydreaming or being in a deep meditation. Others have likened it to being in a state of focused concentration, where they are completely absorbed in what they are doing and are not aware of anything else going on around them. Some people report feeling very relaxed and others say they feel more energized after a session. All of these experiences are normal and there is no right or wrong way to feel.
Is self-hypnosis possible?
Yes, self-hypnosis is definitely possible! In fact, it's a great way to learn how to relax and focus your attention. It can also be used as a tool to help you change negative behaviours or thought patterns.
While it does have its limitations compared to working with a hypnotherapist, it's an incredibly effective tool! If interested, you can learn how to do self-hypnosis in a session with me. I will prime your subconscious to the state of hypnosis and give you anchors so that you can access the hypnotic state on your own whenever you would like!
Can hypnosis help me uncover old memories?
By accessing the subconscious mind, we often access memories or events that have been stored away for a long time and which may be influencing our behavior without us even being aware of it. Hypnosis loosens up the subconscious mind which is what allows these memories to come to the surface.
However, I do not perform age regression in my sessions. Age regression is a technique that takes you back to a past memory and allows you to either relive it or alter it. All memories are confabulated meaning that they are fabricated, distorted, or misinterpreted based on our perceptions of the situation. For this reason, memories can not be classified as accurate representations of what happened. The likelihood of someone created false memories in hypnosis is high, and my number one rule is to do no harm to my clients. I do not want them reliving false memories that may be harmful to them in the present day, therefore, I will not do age regression.
Also, repressed memories are repressed for a reason. They are too unsafe to the subconscious mind to process, so it keeps them hidden until it feels that you have the resources to process the memory. We can work on building you up internally and giving you the resources to face traumatic memories if they resurface, but we will not force repressed memories to be uncovered before they are ready.
How do I select a hypnotherapist?
When looking for a hypnotherapist, you want to make sure that they are certified and accredited. Please, please, please check their education and training. There are a lot of one-off programs out there that will teach hypnosis. But if you are paying money, you want to make sure you're getting quality service. You can usually find this information on their website or by asking them directly.
It's also important to make sure that you feel comfortable with the hypnotherapist - after all, you'll be working closely with them!Make sure to do your research and read reviews before making your decision! The best way to find a hypnotherapist is through word-of-mouth, so ask around and see if anyone you know has worked with a hypnotherapist that they loved.
Does insurance cover the cost of hypnosis treatment?
At this time, insurance companies do not typically cover the cost of hypnosis treatment. Because of this, I do not accept insurance or FSA money for sessions.
Some insurance companies may cover the cost of hypnosis treatment if it is deemed medically necessary. However, coverage varies from company to company and it's always best to check with your insurer beforehand. You might have luck getting your hypnosis treatment covered if you are working with a licensed psychotherapist or psychologist that also offers hypnosis. You can also inquire about discounts or payment plans with the hypnotherapist you choose to work with.
Some companies are beginning to recognize the benefits of hypnosis so there may be some hope for insurance coverage in the future.
Can I have hypnotherapy online?
Yes, you can have hypnotherapy online! I offer online sessions so that I can reach as many people as possible. The great thing about online sessions is that they can be done from the comfort of your own home!
How many sessions will I need?
The number of sessions needed will differ for everyone. It really depends on the individual and the issue being addressed. Some people may only need one session, while others may require multiple sessions. However, hypnosis is most effective when the suggestions are reinforced into the subconscious mind multiple times - this creates stronger neural pathways that are needed for change. So even if you experience drastic change after one sessions, the more sessions, the more reinforcement you receive. The more reinforcement, the greater opportunity for long-lasting change.
Hypnotherapy can be a very effective tool, but it's not a 'miracle cure.' You may need to put in some work outside of sessions to see the full benefits, and the work you put in outside will also be a determining factor for how many sessions you will need.
I typically recommend starting with 3-4 sessions to see how you respond to hypnosis. If you're seeing good results, we can continue treatment. If not, we can reassess and try something different. Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all solution!
Is hypnotherapy for children safe?
Hypnotherapy for children is perfectly safe! In fact, it can be a great way to help them overcome any fears or anxieties they may have. Hypnosis can also help children focus and concentrate better, which can be useful in school or when playing sports. As long as you find a reputable hypnotherapist who is experienced in working with children, there is no need to worry. Your child will be in good hands!
Hypnotherapy can be a powerful tool for transforming your quality of life in amazing ways. If you're looking to make lasting changes, I highly recommend giving hypnotherapy a try! With hypnosis, you can uncover the root of your issues and create positive, lasting change.
So don't wait any longer - book a session with me today and start your journey towards a better you! I look forward to helping you find the courage and strength within yourself to take on anything that comes your way.
Ready to book? Schedule a FREE call today and let's get started!
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