Are you curious about hypnosis? Hypnosis has a long history of helping people improve their lives in many ways (dating all the way back to 5,000 years ago!). In this blog post, we'll discuss a list of things hypnosis can help with. If you're looking to improve your quality of life, hypnosis may be worth considering!

What Is Hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy is an effective alternative treatment for various conditions that traditional medicine or psychotherapy has failed to adequately address. The practice revolves around the notion that the subconscious mind is the source of all our problems, and by accessing and altering it, we can bring about lasting change. While skeptics may write off hypnotherapy as new age hokum, the fact is that it has been shown to be successful in treating everything from feelings of anxiety and depression to chronic pain and substance abuse. In many cases, hypnotherapy can provide relief when nothing else has. This is because most interventions work on the surface level symptoms that are appearing, while hypnotherapy gets to the root of the underlying issue.
Hypnotherapy is a type of alternative healing that combines hypnosis with traditional talk therapy. It is used to bring about therapeutic change by accessing and influencing the unconscious mind through hypnotic suggestion, guided relaxation and imagery.
How Can Hypnosis Help?
Hypnotherapy uses hypnosis, a trance-like state of relaxation and concentration, to help people overcome problems.
Hypnosis has been used for centuries in many cultures for healing purposes. In the past, it was often used to treat conditions such as pain, anxiety, and addiction. More recently, hypnotherapy has been increasingly used to help people cope with stress, stop smoking, and reduce fears and phobias. Some studies have also shown that hypnosis can be helpful in treating medical conditions such as migraine headaches, irritable bowel syndrome and hot flashes.

How Does Hypnosis Work?
Despite the mystery and common misconceptions surrounding hypnotherapy and hypnosis, researchers are calling it a neurobiological phenomenon.
But, how does it work? And can it really help people overcome problems?
Hypnosis is a natural venting state that we all enter at various parts of the day. And here's how it works.
We are taking in information all day long through our senses, our environment, our conscious thoughts, and our subconscious thoughts. This information that we are taking into our minds is what we call message units, and we take in about 60,000 message units every day. These message units enter through our Conscious Mind, and go through the Critical Mind/Critical Filter where they get analyzed and either rejected, absorbed into the Subconscious Mind, or we act on them.
Think about the Critical Mind like a drinking glass that gets filled up throughout the day with water (message units). At some point it gets full and can’t hold any more water (it can’t process any more information and it starts to break down). The Critical Mind or Inhibitory Process goes into abeyance (a state of temporary disuse or suspension) and it is less able to assess or analyze information. This abeyance triggers our fight/flight response that sends us into a hyper suggestible state to "escape" from the stress. This hyper suggestible state is called hypnosis, and from this state, the Critical Mind is silenced and allows direct access to the Subconscious Mind.
This type of overload happens a lot in our world today. Moments of stress send us into overload, quieting our Critical Mind, and sending us into hypnosis. It happens when you're stressed from missing your alarm, and you arrive at your destination without remembering any part of the trip to get there. Or you get home from work, and you realize you're eating cookies on the couch but can't remember making the decision to eat cookies.
As a hypnotherapist, I replicate the natural process of entering into hypnosis to get clients into a hyper suggestible state in order to access the Subconscious Mind. From here, clients are more open to suggestion. They more likely to focus on positive thoughts and messages without the Critical Mind rejecting ideas, and the suggestions are getting programmed directly into the Subconscious Mind. This allows us to change the root cause of issues, and can then lead to changes in behavior or perceptions. Because we are getting to the root and making changes directly in the subconscious, the changes will most likely be long-lasting.

What to Expect from a Hypnotherapy Session
A hypnotherapy session typically starts with discussing the client's goals and current situation. I then explain how hypnosis works, what it feels like and how to enter into a hypnotic state. During the actual hypnosis part of the session, the client is guided into a trance-like state through various relaxation techniques. Once in a deep trance, you will then be given therapeutic suggestions at the subconscious level. I may also utilize visualizations, guided imagery or other forms of suggestive therapy to help the client achieve their desired goals.
At the end of the session, I talk with the client about what they experienced during hypnosis and reinforce any positive changes that were made. I may ask the client to keep a journal or diary to track their progress, or any other relevant homeplay that will reinforce what they learned during the session.
What should I do before my session to prepare?
Before each hypnotherapy session, I recommend that clients take some time to relax and focus on their desired outcomes. It is also beneficial to write down any questions or concerns you may have so that they can be discussed in the session. Lastly, it is important to stay hydrated and eat a small snack before your session if possible. This will help keep your energy levels up and ensure that you are able to stay relaxed.
Never been hypnotized? Read What Does It Feel Like to be Hypnotized to see what to expect!
Are there any side-effects of hypnosis?
The side-effects of hypnosis are typically very mild. Most people feel a sense of relaxation and calmness after the session. Some people have reported feeling energized or more focused, while others may experience some emotional releases such as tears or laughter. These reactions are all part of the healing process and will pass quickly.
How long is a typical hypnotherapy session?
The length of a hypnotherapy session varies depending on the complexity of the issue and the client's goals. Generally, a typical session can last anywhere from 45 to 90 minutes.
What are the typical prices for a hypnosis session?
The cost of hypnosis varies depending on the type of services you require and the practitioner you choose. Generally, a single session with an experienced hypnotist can range from $80-$200 per session. If you are looking for multiple sessions or long-term therapy, there may be discounts available.
How often should I have hypnotherapy sessions?
The frequency of hypnotherapy sessions depends on the client's individual needs. Some people may benefit from having 1 sessions per week, while others may only need a few sessions spread over time to achieve their desired results. Generally, I like to discuss your goals before I determine the necessary frequency of sessions, but even then, my frequency recommendation may change once we start working together and peeling back layers. Ultimately there is no right or wrong for how often to have hypnosis sessions, but more frequent sessions will allow you to reinforce your goals more often and lead to quicker, more long term results.
How long do the hypnotic suggestions last?
The effects of hypnosis are generally long lasting, as the beneficial suggestions that were given during the session can be reinforced over time. However, it is important to note that some lifestyle changes may need to be made in order for the desired results to last. Additionally, it is important for clients to practice self-hypnosis and other positive reinforcement techniques in order to ensure the long-term effectiveness of hypnosis.
Is someone undergoing hypnotherapy unconscious?
No, not at all. Despite the misconceptions and the illusion of stage hypnosis, hypnotherapy is not mind control. The goal of hypnosis is to relax the conscious mind and access the subconscious in order to suggest beneficial changes. Most people remain aware of their surroundings and remember what was said during the session. Some practitioners may use light anesthesia or guided visualization techniques to help a client achieve a deeper state of relaxation, but hypnosis does not involve losing consciousness. You are in complete control the entire time.
Can hypnotherapy be dangerous?
No, hypnotherapy is a safe and effective form of therapy. It has been used for many years to help people overcome various mental health issues and lead healthier lives. As long as the client follows their therapist's instructions, hypnosis should not be dangerous or cause any unwanted side effects.
Can children benefit from hypnotherapy?
Yes, children can benefit from hypnosis. In fact, hypnotherapy has been successfully used to help children with a variety of issues such as bedwetting, nightmares, dental phobia and anxiety. While the same safety precautions should be taken for any age group under hypnosis, it is important to remember that children need extra care and attention when undergoing hypnosis. It is recommended that a child's parent or guardian be present during the session to ensure their safety and comfort.

List of Things Hypnosis Can Help With
- Self-Confidence
- Weight Loss
- Panic Attacks
- Discouraged
- Motivation
- Substance Abuse
- Temptation
- Fear Loss of Control
- Self-Image and Self Love
- Study Habits
- Hypochondria
- Fear of Failure
- Stress
- Fears
- Self-Awareness
- Fear of Success
- Anger
- Phobias
- Aggression
- Lack of Ambition
- Frustration
- Insomnia
- Self-Esteem
- Self-Control
- Worry
- Pain Control and Pain Management
- Self-Blame
- Inferiority
- Guilt
- Sports
- Hostility
- Superiority
- Forgiveness
- Stuttering
- Moodiness
- Jealousy
- Nail Biting
- Fear of Dentist
- Overeating
- Rejection
- Anxiety
- Fear of Doctor
- Self-Expression
- Shame
- Assertiveness
- Fear of Surgery
- Arrogance
- Past Life Regression
- Indecision
- Public Speaking
- Assist Healing
- Irrational Thoughts
- Contrariness
- Memory Impotency
- Lack of Enthusiasm
- Self-Hypnosis
- Concentration
- Child Birth
- Lack of Direction
- Restlessness
- Lower Blood Pressure
- Sexual Dysfunction and Problems
- Ulcers
- Sadness
- Smoking
- Agoraphobia
- Writers Block
- Insecurity
- Stage Fright
- Obsessions
- Tics
- Mistrust
- Reach Goals
- Avoidance
- Abandonment
- Victimization
- Procrastination
- Fixations
- Exercise
- Anesthesia
- Change Habits
- Relaxation
- Cravings
- Biofeedback
- Improve Sales
- Addiction
- Creativity
- Presurgical and Postsurgical
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Attitude Adjustment
- Improve Health
- Trauma and traumatic experiences
- Career Success
- Bed Wetting
- Fear of School
- Cramps
- Exam Anxiety
- Sleep Disorders
- Chronic Pain Gagging
- Relationships
- Skin Problems
- Problem Solving
- Dreams
- Aligning with True Self
- Medication Side Effects
- Hypertension
- Nightmares
- Hair Twisting
- Unhappiness
- Resistance
- Headaches
- Nausea
- Inhibition
- Responsibility
- Immune System
- Surgical
- Fear of Flying
- Self-Forgiveness
- Fear of Death
- Recovery
- Fear of Heights
- Thumb Sucking
- Relaxation
- Tardiness
- Fear of Water
- Stubbornness
- Breathing
- Gambling
- Fear of Animals
- Hypersuggestible
- Self-Mastery
- Performance anxiety
- Communication
- Negativism and Negative Emotions
- Social Anxiety
- Abdominal pain
- Self-Defeating Behaviors
- Death or Loss
- Controlling Behavior
- Perfectionism
- Self-Criticism
- Helplessness
- Overly Critical
- Lack of Initiative
- Irritability
- Hopelessness
- Pessimism
- Decisions making
- Limiting beliefs
So, what do you think? If this list of things hypnosis can help with wasn't enough to wow you, then I'll have you know that this is just scratching the surface. Hypnosis is changing the way we overcome the challenges in our life that traditional medical and psychotherapy interventions have struggled with. From conquering fears and phobias to overcoming sexual dysfunction to improving your health and well-being, hypnosis may be one of the most powerful interventions for change out there.
Ready to give it a try? Book a session with me today, and let's starting making positive changes in your life!
[…] is actually one of the oldest self-improvement techniques, dating back to 5,000 years ago, and can improve your life in countless […]