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Loving My Wild is the journey, the growth, and the little voice inside my head that tells me to keep going.

What Loving My Wild Means To Me

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Loving My Wild is the journey, the growth, and the little voice inside my head that tells me to keep going.

What Loving My Wild Means To Me


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I remember learning about caterpillars in elementary school. I would stare at the posters around the classroom and admire the fact that the caterpillar somehow just knew when it was ready to begin metamorphosis. How it builds a cocoon for itself, and when it has spent the necessary amount of time inside, it breaks out […]

The Limbo State

Self Healing

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A few years ago, I had what society would call “it all”. I had the fiancé, the dog, the house with an oasis in the backyard. Total instagram worthy life. And I was happy. Well, kinda. I was happy because I had all of the things I thought I wanted. All of the things society […]

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When I was younger, I loved to write. I had a journal with a lock on it, and carried the key on a necklace (total Zoey 101 style) so that no one could read about the drama from aftercare I was writing about. I started every entry with “Dear Diary”, just like I saw in […]

How I Found Myself Through Words


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