Having healthy mindset habits might be the #1 essential thing to cultivating happiness.
One of the biggest misconceptions about happiness is that it just shows up in our lives. That the happiest people we know (or see on social media) somehow got the happy gene that we didn't.
Or that they are lucky enough to have "happy things" happen to them, and we don't.
We often think that happiness just shows up in our lives, but the truth is, it's something that we need to create ourselves.
In fact, studies show that 40% of our happiness is determined by our own intentional activities, habits, and thoughts. (use as a visual)
Studies show that it is not what happens to us, but how we interpret what happens to us.
Our level of happiness is directly linked to our mindset habits. These are the daily mindset practices that we engage in that shape the way we approach life, contribute to our overall emotional wellbeing, and ultimately impact our level of happiness.
That means that you hold the power to shape your own happiness, and it's not just through sheer luck or circumstance. You have the power to take control of your own happiness and live your best life.
So, if you're ready to learn how to learn the healthy mindset habits you need to create your own happiness, then buckle up and let's dive in!

What is a Healthy Mindset?
A healthy mindset is all about focusing on the positive and seeing the good in yourself, your life, and the world around you. It involves developing a way of thinking that's oriented towards growth and learning, self-reflection and acceptance, forgiveness, resilience to life’s challenges, setting realistic goals and expectations for yourself. It also involves developing healthy habits like regular exercise, proper nutrition, quality sleep, being mindful of your thoughts and feelings, finding time to relax and practice self-care.
The benefits of having a healthy mindset
Having a healthy mindset can help you build a strong sense of self-esteem and cultivate a positive attitude towards life. With healthy mindset habits in place, you'll be more likely to take proactive steps to look after your mental health and foster resilience. When you develop a healthy mindset, it becomes easier to take on life's challenges with courage and perseverance instead of fear or dread.
You'll find that when you approach life from this perspective, you're better able to handle difficult emotions like stress, anxiety and depression in more constructive ways. You're also more likely to develop meaningful relationships and learn new skills that make you feel more capable, confident and fulfilled in life.
When it comes to overall wellbeing and emotional health, developing a healthy mindset is essential. It can make all the difference between feeling stuck or powerless, and instead feeling empowered to create the life you want for yourself.
14 Healthy Mindset Habits
If you're looking to create greater happiness and peace of mind, cultivating a healthy mindset is key. The happiest people aren't happy because of their external world. They have certain mental habits they practice every day that help them maintain a positive outlook on life.
Here are 23 healthy mindset habits that can help you cultivate greater happiness and peace of mind.
1. Positive self-talk
Have a positive inner dialogue and speak to yourself with kindness and encouragement.
Positive self-talk is a key component of developing a healthy mindset. It's important to speak to yourself with kindness and encouragement, instead of putting yourself down or being overly critical of your thoughts and actions.
Instead of focusing on your mistakes or shortcomings, aim to focus on what you're doing right and what you can do differently next time. Remind yourself that everyone makes mistakes and most importantly, be gentle and loving with yourself as you work to make positive changes in your life.
Take action: Start by noticing when you're having negative thoughts or berating yourself, and consciously shift your language to something more positive and supportive.
What is the voice in your head saying to you?
Separate yourself from the voice in your head - think of the voice in your head as an actual person. And then consciously change this voice to start speaking in the ways that you would want a friend to speak to you.
2. Optimism
Focus on the positive aspects of situations and be hopeful for the future.
Optimism involves having an overall positive outlook on life and focusing on the positives instead of dwelling on the negatives. Optimism is linked to greater feelings or happiness and well-being, as well as extending life expectancy.
When you practice optimism, it can help you to look at life with a more hopeful attitude and make the most of challenging situations. It's important to remember that even when things are difficult or not going as planned, there is likely some good in the situation too.
Focusing on what’s positive is a muscle that needs to be strengthened, but when it's strong, it can help you stay motivated and resilient in the face of adversity.
Take action: When you find yourself thinking negatively about a situation, challenge those thoughts by looking for evidence that contradicts them.
Learn to reframe situations by looking at them from a different perspective. Focus on the positive aspects of the situation and try to find the silver lining.
At the end of the day, think about the things that happened in your day. Challenge yourself to think about 1 positive that you can take away from each significant event that happened throughout the day.
3. Resilience
The ability to bounce back from setbacks and challenges.
Resilience involves being able to handle stress and adversity, bouncing back from setbacks and challenges, and adapting in the face of change. It's about having a sense of hope for the future, even when things seem difficult or out of your control.
Take action: Building resilience comes with having the trust that you can handle whatever that comes your way.
Next time you're faced with a setback, consider other times that you have overcome similar challenges. Think about the actions you took to get through it. How did you handle it? What was helpful? What worked? What didn't work? Implement the things that worked, and change the things that didn't work.
Remind yourself that you've overcome challenges in the past, and you can do it again.
And, remember that you have control: Remind yourself that you are in control of your thoughts, emotions, and behavior. This can help you to regain a sense of power and perspective.
4. Self-awareness
A good understanding of your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors and being able to use this knowledge to help you reach the goals that you want.
When it comes to self-awareness, it’s important to become aware of what motivates you, what triggers certain reactions in yourself, and how your thoughts and behaviors are connected.
It’s also important to be mindful of how your mindset can affect the way you interact with others, as well as have a good understanding of how you handle stress.
Take action: Start to become more self-aware by paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, and behavior in different situations. Reflect on what is happening and how you are responding in the moment. Take the time to understand why you may be feeling or reacting a certain way, then make an effort to adjust your thoughts and behavior if needed.
Another way to build your self-awareness is to practice mindful meditation, breathing exercises, or relaxation exercises that help you stay present in the moment and observe your thoughts without judgement. This can help you to become more aware of how your body and mind are feeling, as well as the things that motivate or trigger you.

5. Gratitude
Regularly expressing appreciation for the good things in life and the ability to find joy in the small things.
Practicing gratitude may be one of the most important healthy mindset habits you can cultivate. It is a great way to cultivate positive thinking and resilience. It helps you focus on what you are grateful for and allows you to recognize the good that is in your life.
Expressing appreciation for the good things in life, no matter how small, can help put things into perspective and remind you that there are still plenty of positives in your life.
Take moments throughout the day to pause and express gratitude for things that are happening around you. For example, when walking your dog or taking a break from work, take a moment to appreciate the beauty of nature or simply being alive.
Remind yourself that you have so much to be thankful for and it’s important to recognize this when life gets challenging. Celebrate your successes and savor those moments, no matter how big or small they may be. This will help foster a sense of joy and positivity that will provide energy to keep going even in tough times.
Take action: Start a gratitude journal to practice being mindful of all the things you are thankful for. Make it a regular habit to write down three things that you’re grateful for each day, no matter how small or insignificant they may seem.
Reflect on each of these items and what they mean to you- WHY you are thankful for them. Focus on the ways that those things are benefiting your life. It could be something like the sunshine on a cold day, a hot cup of coffee in the morning, or spending time with friends and family.
6. Self-care
Prioritize physical and mental health and engage in activities that promote relaxation and stress-reduction
Self-care is essential for managing stress and maintaining good physical and mental health. It involves taking the time to prioritize your own well-being, so that you can be more resilient when facing life’s challenges. Self-care activities can include getting enough sleep, eating healthy, exercising regularly, engaging in hobbies and activities you enjoy, and spending time outdoors.
Finding ways to relax and unwind can also be helpful in managing stress.
Take action: When you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a few moments for yourself to practice mindful breathing or relaxation exercises. These activities help activate your body’s natural relaxation response and reduce tension and anxiety.
Use my Peace Maximizer to help you reset your energy and provide you with an opportunity to practice self-care and relaxation.
7. Purpose
Having a sense of purpose and direction in life and motivation to work towards goals.
Purpose is often thought about in terms of career, but there can be so many different meanings and motivations for purpose. It could be related to your family or relationships, hobbies or activities, health or fitness – anything that sparks joy in you and gives you a sense of direction and motivation.
Studies show that people’s happiness levels were positively correlated with whether they saw their lives as meaningful.
Having purpose can give our life meaning and focus, providing us with the energy to keep going even during tough times. When we have clear goals that we are working towards, it can also help us stay motivated and inspired to keep going.
Take action: Identify what your passions and interests are and start working towards them. Take small steps every day to move closer to your goals. Make a plan of action that outlines the steps you need to take in order to reach your goals and break these down into smaller, achievable tasks. Review your progress regularly to stay motivated and adjust your plan as needed.
8. Mindfulness
Being present and mindful throughout daily life, and observing thoughts and feelings without judgment.
Mindfulness is the practice of being present and aware in the moment. It involves paying attention to your thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations without judging them or getting too caught up in them.
With regular mindfulness practice, you can increase your awareness of how you are feeling on any given day and become better attuned to our inner emotions and experiences. This can help you observe your thoughts and feelings with more clarity, leading to improved emotional regulation.
Take action: Start with a few minutes of mindful breathing each day. Place one hand on your belly and the other on your chest, and use your breath to deepen the rise and fall of your stomach as you inhale and exhale.
Allow yourself to remain in the present moment, noticing your thoughts and feelings without judging them. You can also practice mindful eating by savoring each bite of food and being aware of its texture and taste. Other mindfulness activities include yoga, tai chi and walking meditation.
Commit to a few minutes of practice each day to promote improved mental health and well-being. With regular practice, mindfulness can become a part of your daily routine, allowing you to be more aware of how you’re feeling both emotionally and physically. It’s a great way to reduce stress and build resilience.

9. Adaptability
The flexibility to adjust to change and uncertainty
Adaptability is about being flexible and open to change and uncertainty. It’s about having the courage to try new things, even when uncertainty or unfamiliarity brings a certain level of discomfort.
Being adaptable means recognizing that change is inevitable, and learning how to embrace it with grace and resilience. It involves being flexible in our thinking, open to different possibilities and learning from our experiences.
Take action: To become more adaptable, start by becoming aware of your reactions to change and challenge. Notice if you’re trying to stick to old routines or habits even when they no longer serve you.
Practice being open to new experiences and try something you wouldn’t normally do.
If you feel yourself being rigid in the face of change, journal about what this rigid part of you is trying to achieve. Is it stemming from fear? A feel of insecurity? A need for comfort, safety, or familiarity?
Getting clear on what is causing the rigidity in each moment will allow you to bring awareness to it, and give you the choice on how to move forward in a more aligned way.
10. Social support
Have a network of positive and supportive relationships to rely on during tough times
A social support is essential for your overall health and well-being. It involves having a strong network of positive relationships to rely on during tough times. Having supportive people around you helps you to feel less isolated, boosts your self-esteem, and builds resilience in the face of adversity.
Take action: Identify your support system, and make it a priority to strengthen those connections.
To build a strong network of social support, start by reaching out to people who you trust and feel safe with. Share your thoughts and experiences with them, and ask for support when you’re feeling overwhelmed or down, and return the favor when they need support as well.
11. Growth mindset
The belief that your abilities and intelligence can be developed and improved over time.
Having a growth mindset involves having an open mind and willingness to learn, rather than thinking that your knowledge or skills are fixed or predetermined by genetics or other external factors.
Cultivating a growth mindset starts by changing the way you think about failure. Instead of viewing it as a sign of weakness or something to be feared, reframe it as an opportunity for learning and growth. Remind yourself that you can take risks and make mistakes without feeling like you're not good enough.
Take action: Reframe challenging situations or setbacks by looking at them from a different perspective. This can help you find solutions and focus on the potential for growth instead of getting bogged down by what's going wrong.
Take time to reflect on the situation.
Taking time to process your feelings and understand why a certain event or challenge has occurred can help you create perspective and prepare yourself to move forward. Ask yourself questions such as, “What do I need to learn from this experience?” or “What can I do differently next time?”
12. Emotional intelligence
The ability to understand and manage your own emotions, as well as empathize with others.
Emotional intelligence requires being aware of your own feelings and thoughts, as well as understanding how they affect your behavior in any given moment. Developing emotional intelligence is an important part of cultivating a healthy mindset and learning how to navigate life’s challenges in a more balanced and effective way.
Take action: To strengthen your emotional intelligence, start by becoming aware of how you respond to different emotions. Tune into your body when you're feeling activated or triggered, and name the emotions you are feeling.
Pay attention to how different feelings affect the way you think and behave. This will help you gain insight into your reactions and patterns, allowing for more conscious decision-making in the future.
Practice acknowledging and expressing your emotions in a healthy way. This can involve recognizing how you’re feeling and validating it internally (self talk!), as well as communicating it to others in an appropriate manner.

13. Personal responsibility
Taking responsibility for your actions and your own happiness and are not reliant on external factors to determine your mood.
Personal responsibility is an integral part of having a healthy mindset. It involves taking ownership over your own life, emotions, and wellbeing, rather than expecting someone else to do it for you. Being responsible means acknowledging that your actions have consequences, both positively and negatively, and striving to create positive changes in your life. Taking personal responsibility requires effort, mindfulness, and accountability.
To cultivate a sense of personal responsibility and a healthier mindset, start by understanding that you are in control of your own life and destiny. Acknowledge the power you have to make decisions and take action towards creating a better future for yourself. Consider what areas of your life could use improvement and create small, achievable goals that will help you get there.
Take action: Fight the urge to focus on other people's thoughts, actions, and behaviors and instead turn inward.
Journal about how are your thoughts, actions, and behaviors contributing to your life? Both, the positive and negative aspects of your life. What are the things you need to take responsibility for, and how can you change those things to better align with the person you want to be?
14. Forgiveness
The ability to forgive yourself and others for mistakes or shortcomings.
Forgiveness is an integral part of having a healthy mindset. It involves being able to accept that mistakes and shortcomings can happen, and to move on from them without ruminating or holding onto anger or resentment. Through this process, you are able to practice self-acceptance as well as maintain positive relationships with others.
There are many ways to practice forgiveness:
- Acknowledge your emotions and validate them. It’s important to acknowledge the pain, hurt, or anger that you may have felt instead of suppressing it.
- Separate behavior from identity. Recognize that someone’s actions are not necessarily indicative of who they are as a person.
- Practice empathy. Put yourself in the other person’s shoes and try to understand their perspective, even if you disagree with them or find it hard to forgive them.
- Let go of expectations. Keep in mind that not everyone will be able to meet your expectations all the time, and sometimes people make mistakes.
- Focus on your healing. Rather than fixating on the mistake itself, put more energy into figuring out how to move forward and heal from it.
By practicing forgiveness, you will be able to better manage emotions, have healthier relationships with others, and gain a stronger sense of self-acceptance.
Take action: If you're trying to forgive yourself for something, write a letter to yourself, acknowledging the mistake or situation that you are having trouble forgiving yourself for. Explain why you did what you did, and express remorse for any harm caused. Then, offer yourself forgiveness and acceptance, and commit to moving forward in a positive direction.
This will allow you to release the emotional ties from the situation, release any guilt or shame that may have resulted from it, take the learnings from it, and move on.
Tips for Sticking to Your Healthy Mindset Habits
Developing and maintaining a healthy mindset is key to living a fulfilled and happy life. Having this type of outlook can help you cope with difficult situations, manage stress in a more effective manner, and cultivate positive relationships with yourself and others.
By cultivating certain habits on a daily basis, you can create an environment for mental well-being that will bring lasting positive change.
Here are some tips for implementing the healthy mindset habits from the list above:
Start small and be consistent
Start small and be consistent when it comes to incorporating new habits into your life. When you’re just starting out, begin with one habit at a time and practice it every day or several times a week until it becomes automatic and easier to maintain. As you build on your healthy mindset habits, gradually add more until they become part of your daily routine.
Set realistic goals
When creating goals for yourself, be sure to set ones that are realistic and attainable. Break down the process into small steps so it’s easier to manage, and don’t forget to reward yourself when you reach a milestone!
Be patient with yourself
It takes time and effort to build a healthy mindset, so it’s important to be patient with yourself. Don’t forget that you are human and mistakes can happen — accept them as part of the learning process, practice forgiveness, and keep going.
Expect obstacles
Expect obstacles and be prepared to face them. During your journey of building a healthy mindset, you may encounter bumps in the road or moments of discouragement. That’s okay! Have faith that you can overcome any obstacle by having the right tools and strategies in place to help you stay on course. Don’t let any challenge stand in your way of creating a positive environment for mental well-being. Take it one day at a time and remember to practice self-compassion along the way.
Create a plan for dealing with setbacks
Creating a plan for dealing with setbacks is an essential part of cultivating a healthy mindset. By having a strategy in place for how to react when things don’t go as planned, you can prevent negative emotions from taking over and help yourself stay on track. When formulating your plan, identify the areas where you need extra support and create actionable steps to get the help you need. Doing this will give you a sense of empowerment and control over your circumstances, enabling you to stay focused on your goals despite any challenges or missteps that may occur.
Find the right motivation
Finding the right motivation to stay on track is essential for cultivating a healthy mindset. Reflect on what motivates you and use it as fuel to reach your goals. It could be something tangible, such as a reward or prize for reaching a milestone, or something more intangible, like wanting to feel proud of yourself or striving to become the best version of yourself. Think about the things you plan to achieve with a healthier mindset. Whatever it is, remind yourself of it often and use it to push through any obstacles or difficult moments.
The goal of implementing daily healthy mindset habits isn’t about being perfect or always getting things right. It's about investing in your happiness and mental health, and creating lasting positive change.
I encourage you to take the time and dedicate effort towards establishing a healthier mindset by incorporating the tips mentioned above into your daily lives. With dedication and consistency, these habits can become part of your routine and help you live a happier, more fulfilled life.
Now go out there and start creating your own happiness!
And if you're still clinging on to those old, unhealthy habits and can't seem to find the motivation to break free...
Book a hypnotherapy session with me now and let's work together to unlock the potential within you. I'll help you tap into the deepest parts of your subconscious mind, where your true goals and desires reside. We'll crush those limiting beliefs, squash that negative self-talk, and replace it all with the mindset of a champion.
Think of it like hitting the reset button on your brain. When we're through, you'll feel like a brand new person, ready to take on the world with confidence and gusto. (And trust me, there's no better feeling than that!)
Don't let fear and resistance hold you back any longer. Take the plunge and let's get started on your transformation. You can book your session here.
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