Podcast episode summary:
In this episode of the Magnetic Desires Podcast, we explore the power and potential of Hypnotherapy. We discuss how it works to reprogram our subconscious minds so that our automatic thoughts and actions are aligned with our goals. We explain how traditional therapies sometimes struggle to break through blocks because they rely on conscious minds instead of tapping into the deeper layers of the subconscious. We also discuss two of the most effective techniques used in hypnotherapy: creative visualization and mental rehearsal.
- How I got Introduced to hypnosis [2:42]
- What hypnosis is [13:58]
- History lesson of hypnosis [15:20]
- How does hypnosis work? [23:18]
- How to access hypnosis [27:38]
- Using hypnosis to reprogram the subconscious [31:38]
- The power of suggestion [37:30]
- Why is hypnosis more effective than other methods of psychological change [41:33]
- Techniques used in hypnosis [48:00]
- Try hypnosis and download our free Magnetic Desires audio recording [52:36]
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Episode transcript:
Have you ever wondered why we make the same mistakes and repeat patterns even though we know they won't help us? In this episode, I'm going to explain why and provide you with the key to changing those patterns that aren't working for you so that you can finally implement new habits, thoughts and behaviors that aligm with the version of yourself that you want to be, whoever that is!.
Hi everyone, my name is Adreanna and in this episode I’m going to show you how to use hypnosis to reprogram your subconscious mind and break free of the unconscious patterns that previously held you back.
Welcome to another episode of "Loving My Wild," the podcast that dives deep into the power of the subconscious to help you achieve your dreams. I'm your host, Adreanna, and today we have an exciting topic to explore: the fascinating world of hypnosis. Many people are confused by what hypnosis is and how it works, or think it's just some kind of “magic show”. But that couldn't be further from the truth! I'm here to share my knowledge and give you a detailed explanation of how it works, what it can do for you, and how it can open up a world of possibility for you.
So, sit back, relax, and let's get ready to cluck like a chicken! Hahaha I'm just kidding. I hope in this episode I can show you the exact opposite - that hypnosis is so much more powerful than just making people make fools out of themselves on a stage.
How I got Introduced to hypnosis
Let me start by telling you about how I unknowngly stumbled upon my first experience with hypnosis.
Let me set the scene for you. Picture me, sitting cross-legged on my living room floor, surrounded by flickering candles, soft music playing in the background. I had decided to try out a new meditation practice I found online, thinking it would help me relax and clear my mind. Little did I know what I was about to discover.
I had done so many different meditations before, I had been meditating for like 2 or 3 years at this point. But this recording was different.
As I closed my eyes, following the soothing voice guiding me through the meditation, I felt a profound sense of calm and focus washing over me. It was like I was in a state of deep relaxation, yet fully aware of my thoughts and surroundings. The minutes melted away, and when I opened my eyes, I felt rejuvenated and centered.
Normally after meditations I felt semi-relaxed, but not like full body refreshed and re-centered.
And It was much more purposeful. It had me imagining my inner child and speaking to her. It was emotional, and exciting, and warm and inviting, and sad, and healing.
I remember being like woah what the heck was that, that was a powerful meditation.
Fast forward a few weeks later, I stumbled upon a podcast episode from the same company who I did the meditation from, and the lady confirmed that daily meditation I had been practicing was actually a form of hypnosis! I couldn't help but stop in my tracks and exclaim, "That's what hypnosis is?"
How could that be? It didn't make me get up and out of my seat and bark like a dog? it didn't make me do anything stupid or make a fool out of myself? it made me feel more calm than I ever have, and let me fully clear my mind unlike any other meditation i've ever done? huh??
It was a revelation! I felt like my eyes had been opened to a whole new world.
Thank god I the meditation FIRST before I realized it was hypnosis, because I probably would have avoided it out of fear of not knowing what I was getting myself into.
But because I tried it first hand, I knew then and there that I wanted to learn more, and eventually become certified in hypnosis so that I could help others experience the same amazing results for themselves!
Because, just like me, many people have misconceptions about hypnosis. We've seen it portrayed in movies and TV shows, typically as a mysterious, mind-controlling tool.
Which is frustrating to me because hypnosis is so much more than that. It's a powerful tool that taps into the potential of our minds, helping us access our inner resources, overcome challenges, and make positive changes in our lives.
It's a shame that these misconceptions overshadow the incredible benefits of hypnosis. Because from managing stress and anxiety to overcoming fears and improving performance, hypnosis is such a versatile and effective tool that can help us unlock our full potential.
So, my friend, if you've ever wondered about hypnosis or been curious to give it a try, or if you haven't even considered it and are skeptical that it can help, keep listening because today we're going to dive deep into what hypnosis is and how it works, and most importantly how it can help you!
I encourage you to let go of any preconceived notions and embrace the possibilities for this episode. So just put the myths aside for a second and stay curious, stay open-minded!
And then if at the end you're still convinced that all hypnosis is is making people do the chicken dance on stage, well, then I did a terrible job at educating you haha
Okay so...
Defining hypnosis (what is it):
Hypnosis, a word that's often surrounded by mystery and intrigue. But what exactly is it? Well, at its core, hypnosis is a state of focused attention and heightened suggestibility. It's a state where the conscious mind takes a step back, allowing the subconscious mind to become more receptive to positive suggestions and ideas.
Hypnosis is not a “magic show” as some may think, but rather a very real and effective way to make lasting changes in our lives.
The history of hypnosis - Where did it originate?:
It has been around for centuries, though its use has evolved with time.
Let me just indulge you with a quick history lesson. I know, I know, everyone's favorite subject in school, but I think it's important to just give some context to how hypnosis originated so that people can stop thinking its like a way to puppeteer people.
The practice of hypnosis dates back thousands of years, and it has been practiced in various forms by different cultures around the world.
It can be traced to ancient Egypt and Greece, who used altered states of consciousness for healing and spiritual purposes. However, hypnosis, as we know it today, took shape in the late 18th century thanks to the work of a renowned physician and modern scientists named Franz Mesmer.
Mesmer was the first person to propose the use of hypnosis for therapeutic purposes and developed a theory known as “animal magnetism” which stated that our bodies are composed of invisible magnetic forces that could be used to heal. He basically thought that humans had magnetic fluid moving through channels throughout their body, and that blockages in the flow of this fluid caused emotional or physical disease.
So, this was in the 1770s, he thought that he could use a magnet to move the fluid to remove blockages and heal people.
His theories saw a lot of success, but also caused controversy in the medical community, and basically over the time people have attributed the success of his work to part exaggeration and part because he had such confidence in his work. Regardless, his work was so convincing that it ultimately led to curiosity and other people to study it further.
Later, another guy came along named James Braid who further refined the practice and coined the term “hypnosis” in 1843. He described it as a state of intense concentration or focus that could be used to make positive changes in the mind and body.
So James Braid kept studying hypnosis and passed his teachings on down the line, and skip to the early 1900s and enter Sigmund Freud, the king of modern psychology. Freud was actually using hypnosis with his client and putting them in a trance like state and replacing the negative ideas that cause the destructive symptoms his patient's were experiencing with fresh ideas (hint hint, exactly what hypnotherapy and subconscious reprogramming is).
But at the time Freud was studying a variety of different techniques, and he was studying psychoanalysis which is essentially a technique that targets the root of a
problem then uproots it. So basically, Freud had more of a desire of continuing his research down the psychoanalysis path and because he is who had such a personal impact in shaping psychology as an academic field, hypnosis often wasn't taught at universities. So hypnosis kind of got left behind, which is why you don't see much of it in modern psychology.
It wasn't until the late 20th century that hypnosis began to gain more acceptance as a legitimate therapeutic tool after the first large-scale scientific study of Hypnosis was performed at the University of Wisconsin.
This is around the time of a guy named Dan Elman who was a very influential hypnotherapist and confirmed over a hundred years of suspicion that Hypnosis was a different state than normal sleep and that it could not impart extraordinary physical or sensory capabilities, but that it did have a strong ability to reduce the perception of pain and alter the mind.
So that kind of takes us to now! In recent years, hypnosis has become increasingly popular for treating conditions such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, and addictions.
It's considered an effective form of mind-body medicine and is used in a variety of settings, from hospitals to private practices. It has also been adopted by the general public as an effective way to make positive changes in their lives.
So history lesson is OVER, I hope you're still with me because this is the good stuff. Let's look at how exactly it works and then we'll get into how you can use it for personal transformation.
How does hypnosis work?
Essentially what happens when someone is in a hypnotic state is their conscious mind takes a step back and relaxes, allowing the subconscious mind to become more receptive to positive suggestions. This means that through hypnosis , we can tap into the deeper levels of the mind and reprogram it to form new beliefs, change behavior patterns, and create positive habits.
The process of hypnosis involves two parties: the subject or client (the one being hypnotized) and the hypnotist (the person leading the session). Generally speaking, a hypnotherapist will take you through a guided relaxation process and then introduce a series of suggestions that will target the areas you want to focus on.
So, for example, if your goal is to quit smoking, the hypnotist may suggest that cigarettes no longer appeal to you and that when you have an urge to smoke, you instead drink water or take a walk outside.
The idea is that, over time, your subconscious mind will start to believe the suggestions and you'll begin to change your behavior in response.
The hypnotic state is one of heightened suggestibility, but it's important to note that you're always in control and cannot be made to do something against your will. In fact the REASON it works so well is only when you believe the changes or want it so badly that you want to believe it. If you're skeptical or don't trust the person you're working with, your mind will actually reject the suggestions. So you're totally in complete control and there's no way to brainwash someone (at least in this way haha im sure the military has their ways)
How to access hypnosis
There are two main ways to access hypnosis – self-hypnosis and hypnotherapy with a certified hypnotherapist.
Self-hypnosis involves inducing a state of relaxation and focus on your own. Once you've been conditioned to the state of hypnosis, it can be achieved through deep breathing and visualization.
Hypnosis can be done on your own with the help of audio recordings, such as the ones I offer here on my website, however, it's technically not considered self-hypnosis because you're still using someone else's voice and words to get you into that state. But it still works! It's just not titled "self-hypnosis". These audios involve listening and following a script that guides you into a state of deep relaxation and focus, allowing you to access your subconscious mind. I have a handful of them up on my website if you want to check those out.
If you prefer a more personalized approach, working with a certified hypnotherapist is a great option. They are trained professionals who can guide you through the process, tailor the sessions to your specific needs, and help you achieve your desired outcomes. Just remember, always choose a reputable and certified hypnotherapist to ensure a safe and effective experience.
Using hypnosis to reprogram the subconscious
Okay so now the really juicy stuff. Let's talk about the how and why hypnosis works.
Our subconscious contains deeply embedded patterns that are formed throughout our lives.
Then there is the critical mind, which is responsible for filtering and analyzing information. This sort of acts as a protection layer for the subconscious so that not everything is being embedded into it. It keeps us safe.
Hypnosis works by bypassing this critical mind and access our subconscious directly.
By accessing the subconscious directly, we can rewrite the scripts that have been running in the background of our minds for years. It's like upgrading the operating system of our minds to support our dreams and aspirations.
And so hypnosis itself works by inducing a trance-like state which allows you to access and reprogram your subconscious. And a trance like state is just an altering of your brain waves. So we operate in beta, and hypnosis is a way of getting your brain waves into theta or alpha. So it's really not magic or this super unnatural, mysterious thing! It's just stimulating different parts of the mind to operate how we want to serve a certain purpose.
And then during this state, your critical and conscious mind is bypassed and you can gain access to powerful insights and reprogramming techniques that would otherwise be blocked off.
As you work through the session, you’ll be guided by a certified hypnotherapist who will help you identify and replace limiting beliefs with new empowering ones using what we call suggestions.
The power of suggestion
Suggestion is an important part of hypnosis as it’s what helps us access and reprogram our subconscious.
Our minds are incredibly powerful, and what we believe to be true can greatly impact our experiences. Through hypnosis, we can tap into the subconscious mind and reshape our beliefs, replacing limiting beliefs with empowering ones that align with our goals and desires.
In hypnotherapy sessions, a certified therapist will guide you through exercises that are designed to help you identify old limiting beliefs and suggest changes to more empowering ones.
For example, let's say your goal is to be more confident in social situations. The hypnotist might suggest that you are capable of engaging confidently with others, and that every situation is an opportunity for growth. On a subconscious level, this suggestion then begins to be accepted and acted upon. Over time, as the new belief is reinforced through real life experience, it becomes second nature to you.
As you learn to free yourself from the constraints of your old beliefs, and start to take new actions, you can begin to manifest new possibilities into reality.
Why is hypnosis more effective than other methods of psychological change?
And there are so many modalities out there that you can use to make changes in your life, and I know a lot of people question what makes hypnosis so effective compared to other methods of psychological change?
I went into this in depth in the last episode, but our actions, behaviors, thoughts, feeling, beliefs, everything we do and think is being controlled by our subconscious mind.
So if making changes in our life are hard or there's a lot of resistance, you can almost bet that the story that's playing in your subconscious is not aligning with the changes you want to make in the conscious world.
Hypnotherapy uses gets to the root of these behaviors, thoughts, feelings in the subconscious mind, and it changes them so that what is automated in your day to day life are thoughts and actions that align with the things that you want.
And the subconscious mind doesn't distinguish between what's real and what's imagined. So, when we use techniques like creative visualization and mental rehearsal during hypnosis, the subconscious mind believes it's real and starts working towards making it a reality.
In comparison, traditional therapies are often limited in their effectiveness because they rely on our conscious minds– which can often be resistant to change because of the story in our subconscious mind.
So I'm not dissing other modalities at all, and I truly believe each one serves it's purpose and as a society we need them all because each person is at different points in their life and may need different types of help. But I do think hypnotherapy fills a huge gap that I see where people have been in talk therapy for years and they're like I can't talk about my problems any more, I know what my problems are, I know why they're happening, but I cant seem to move past them.
A lot of times I feel like people get stuck living in their problems when it comes to traditional therapy, whereas, I think people really start to FEEL differently about themselves and their life when they transition into hypnotherapy. Or use it as a tool alongside their traditional therapy.
Benefits and uses of hypnosis
OK, last thing I want to touch on is some of the techniques that are actually used within the hypnosis, and I'll give you two of my favorites.
One technique commonly used in hypnosis is creative visualization. It uses the power of imagery, mental exercises, and creative thinking to visualize the things you either want to connect with, want to let go of, the part of yourself that you want to talk to, there's so many uses. And I loveeee using imagery with my clients because metaphors play a significant role in the whole subconscious reprogramming process. The subconscious mind communicates in symbols and images so imagery is a huge way that we get to see what's affecting you and why, and also process it and vent it and release it so that it's no longer a block for you.
Another powerful technique is mental rehearsal. By mentally practicing as if we've already achieved our goals, we condition our minds for success. Our subconscious mind doesn't know the difference between real and fantasy, so when we engage in mental rehearsal during hypnosis, it believes that what it's seeing is real and starts working diligently to bring it into our lives.
And I don't just use mental rehearsal with my clients to see the end goal, we also use it to connect with each step forward that needs to be taken so that by the time they take that next step, their mind already thinks it's happened so when they take it in the conscious world, its easier, more natural, and flows through them easier without all of the resistance.
Now, as we wrap up this exploration of hypnosis, I want to leave you with this: Reprogramming our subconscious is not about changing who we are, it’s about reclaiming the power of our minds and freeing ourselves from the constraints of any limiting beliefs. It about tapping into the potential that already lies within us, so that we can break through barriers and create a life that is truly fulfilling. The power already lies within us, why wouldnt we want to use it you know? That's what it's there for!
And if you've been feeling stuck in life and looking for a way out, I highly encourage you to give hypnotherapy a try. With the right guidance, it can be one of the most powerful tools for personal growth and transformation.
And before we go, I have a special treat for you. If you're interested in trying hypnosis and experiencing the magic of reprogramming your subconscious, head over to our show notes, and download our free Magnetic Desires Audio recording. It's a powerful tool to kickstart your journey toward creating the life you've always dreamed of.
I hope you found this episode enlightening and empowering, and if you did please share it with a friend, and rate and review the podcast. It helps me out so much, and I would be eternally grateful!
Thank you for being here with me and Remember, you have the power to shape your reality and become the best version of yourself. Stay curious, stay open-minded, and embrace the incredible potential within you.
Good luck on your journey! Thanks for listening!

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